

This is the blog of Shawn Stewart, a working writer. Everything on this website is written by me and represents my current writing projects or those in progress. You might find whole stories here or just glimmers of ideas starting to take shape. Sometimes the smaller ideas merge into larger ideas… sometimes not. But they are all promising notions and I love them dearly; otherwise I wouldn’t bother to share them online. Speaking of which…

You are welcome to copy anything on this website and share it with as many people as you like as long as you do so for free. Please do not sell these works, make derivative works for profit, or make money from them in any way without a signed contract between us. Other than for free, file-sharing or educational use, everything here remains (c) Shawn Paul Stewart, All Rights Reserved. Thanks.

What an amazing life. I have had breakfast overlooking the pyramids of Giza; lunch with Texas playwright Horton Foote; and dinner at the top of the World Trade Center. I have published articles in Cinemagic, Lucasfilm Ltd., Markee Magazine, and the Steven Spielberg Film Society. My article on Henry David Thoreau, edited by one of the preeminent Thoreau scholars in the nation, was published in The Concord Saunterer. At the center of my life always has been one driving constant—love of writing and language. My mom was an English teacher, so it’s no surprise that education runs in my blood. This has led me to nine years’ experience in public relations, media, and communications; five years freelance writing and photography; 20 years in higher education.

Then there is another great love. Fathers and sons often bond together by throwing baseballs or watching sports. For me and my dad… it was going to movies together. It was as if I grew up in a movie theater, and in many ways I did. I wrote a children’s book about my years working in a movie theater. I visited the sets of Back to the Future III (sitting in Marty McFly’s DeLorean!) and Gremlins II; worked on many films, including JFK, Born on the Fourth of July and Talk Radio; interned at the American Film Institute in Hollywood. I met Oliver Stone, Roger Moore, even Steven Spielberg’s mom! Two of my scripts have been optioned; one read by Christian Slater, Paramount. One day I hope to see one of my stories on the big screen—one day.

Currently, I am on staff in the writing center at the beautiful Trinity River Campus in downtown Fort Worth. I recently taught writing and journalism at Texas Christian University.


  • Successfully placed client on ABC News 20/20 resulting in $1 million free advertising
  • Successfully pitched client to CNBC’s “How I Made My Millions”
  • Raised $100,000 with a 25-word pitch to the newspaper
  • Contributed to successful $57 million bond campaign
  • Saved my department $40,000 by serving as interim photographer
  • Interviewed a Nobel Peace Prize winner


California State University
M.A. in Humanities (20+ hours in Literature)
University of North Texas
B.A. in English and Media Communications

CHRIS, my eight-year-old son, SAYS…
I like ice cream.
…I like Pizza.
…I like lemonade.
…I like Twix.
…I like… …umm… …my Enderman plushie.”

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